Met up to settle modules and frolicking around Scape with my fav people in sch. As much as I love hanging out with them, they remind me of school and the thought of school gives me a sinking feeling (no offense guys hahah).
School is starting in 4 days and as much as I can't wait to get another semester over and done with and move on to Year 3 (say whuuuut?!), the sound of mugging my ass off again doesn't appeal to me. But I'm rly glad I'm actually taking the effort to buy/borrow books to read, needa brush up on my English lol.
When friends ask me if I have any new year resolutions, I tell them no and when they ask why not, I feel kinda sad that I don't rly have an aim to change myself this year. Okay just to put it out there, here's a list:
1. Brush up on reading
2. Eat healthier (ie fast food 3 times a month, eat fruits at least 4 times a week?)
3. Stay in contact with friends all over
4. Minimize the amount of time I spend looking at my Mac (unless I have homework to do on it)
5. Be bolder (just bought a furry ass outerwear and reflective shades, go me! #yolo)
6. Try new things (don't say no bcoz of laziness)
7. Be more spontaneous
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