Friday, October 26, 2012

Some thoughts

I realized that as we grow older, we tend to become less enthusiastic about stuff. Or at least that applies to me. I used to talk about travelling around the world, visiting exotic and mysterious places. Ok that's kinda big scale. So talking about small scale - what about post A lvl activities? My time was wasted to working - becoz no pain no gain i.e. no work no $$. All my playtime was gone lol - gone to being a busy bee and back to the omg-life-sucks-i-hate-work regime. Is my life becoming more mundane? Have I become a more boring person? What happened to the massive energy I once had? 
Reflecting on myself now, I am wondering where all my zest went to. So unmotivated to do well in studies, need to gain my damn fighting spirit back prontooooooooo. 
Sorry for the word vomit. Felt like I needed to blurt out whatever's on my mind. 12mn now + dance tmrw = Need for some shut-eye. Gd night guys :*

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Fav <3 p="p">
 Hehe chilling at Starbucks solving Integrals I am gdddddddd.

Came back home to realize that dad found out that I have too much clothes and threatening to throw away my new clothes :( :( 
Packing in process...
 Denim <3 p="p">
Pretty casual tanks (most that I have yet worn lol)
 Basics and bralets/bustiers(!!!!)
 Bikinis, beanies, PJ pants.
 Boring tops that I keep rewearing hah
 2 baskets of random dresses/rompers/chiffony tops promise I will wear you soon <3 p="p">
"Despite their differences, they had one important thing in common - they were crazy about each other."

Thursday, October 18, 2012


1. Wet hair at 12mn - check 
2. Puffy and red eyes due to lack of sleep - check 
3. Ugly nails - check
4. Bad ass complexion - check 
5. Stressed-up-but-I'll-give-a-forced-smile face - check 

Is it just me, but when I got back my results for mid-terms, the exact same feeling of getting A lvl results was back. Could feel the same nervousness, palms became sweaty and thinking how badly I screwed up ( Linear Algebra..... :( :( ) And it's not helping that I'm surround by geniuses. The amount of effort I put in will have to increase exponentially to just be half as gd as them. Sad truth is sad. 
But.... TGIF! Jap food here I come + my new dress + seeing my fv8 face. And I'm hungry again oh Basicwrkz how I miss youuuuuuuuuu
Gd night guys *.*

Sunday, October 14, 2012

You're the cheese to my macaroni


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


"Only the fittest will survive."